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The Inspiration

It all began in 2000, my first child had developed chronic infantile eczema. I hated giving him steroid creams and the various other petroleum or synthetic based products prescribed by our G.P.  I started to research recipes for natural moisturisers that would keep skin hydrated for longer than any of the creams I’d tried on the market.  There were various recipes I found and tried. Nine years later, by the time I'd had my third child, I had made a balm inspired by so many other natural recipes and personal research of natural ingredients, including essential oils.      

My eldest son & daughter                 My youngest daughter

Within a week there was a notable difference. Within three months, she was eczema free. However, we realised that once we went back to using the ordinary baby creams available on the mass market, the eczema returned.  So I started to make creams that were made from 100% natural ingredients, for daily use for the whole family. 
Since then I’ve qualified with The Institute of Traditional Herbal Medicine and Aromatherapy under internationally renowned Gabriel Mojay and I have become a registered member of The International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists.  I have also completed a course with one the world's leading aromatherapy experts Robert Tisserand.
                                    Adornment Therapy founder - Tamara   Wilson                                                         
       Gabriel Mojay & Tamara